
Wednesday 17 June 2015

The Blindfold Games

Walt: Write simple and complex sentences
Have you ever played the blind fold game before? Well today on june the 2nd of 2015 we played the rice game and it was fun because we had to try and find the pins.

We had to try and take out the safety pins out of the bowl of rice. When you pick up one and the timer goes off then your score will be one there are twenty safety pins when we played the the rice game how ever gets the most they win a prize.

The people that went first was me, Andrew, Alex, Jonathan, Tavake and Machelle that went first I played with room eight it was fun some people score were like 5 or 15 or 1 but some people got zero because it just felt like rice.

There were some people that just dump the rice onto the paper like isaac or Fynlay that just dump it but it was funny and it just felt like rice when we put awe hands in when you pick up one you can easily drop the pin because it just feel like rice.

I felt funny when I was trying to get the safety pins out because it just felt like rice and because the safety were show small and skinny.  


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